A like affair

the site was awfully dull without comments and likes

and I was completely knackered with my literary gauges

then she came with ‘like machine gun’ in her striking hands

and endlessly fired the bullets of likes on all my pages

as I was immersing into the ocean of this affection

many comments popped up swiftly to invite attraction

she made her royal presence in my list of companions

and I started taking this journey in WordPress canyons

so I told her not to like so much else I will fell in love

and as  the paths of love are slippery, I may fall flat

she told you are welcome to fall where ever you want

but the gravity only shall be held responsible for that

if you love me so much then show it in the likes

I am not mad for the drinks or crazy for the bikes

if you have interest, give interest on my investment

return likes on my pages with rate of interest I spent